Thursday, February 19, 2009


OK now I am trying acupuncture. I have gone twice and it is a strange thing. I think it is helping, but I still reserve judgment. You have to wonder about having needles stabbed into your glute, hip, all the way down your IT Band, knee and shin/calf. You wonder a bit more when some of those needles are then hooked up to a car battery so your muscles can be shocked/triggered/tortured/contracted once a second for about 20 minutes.

Seriously, I think this might help, but I also think that the amount of home exercises and strengthening I do will be more important. I think the acupuncture is like muscle activation, but with electricity - a bit of a joke, but I do think the ideas of activating the muscles are similar. Hopefully the acupuncture will end up relaxing the muscles to the point where they can then be strengthened.

I don't know why I am posting this other than I have not posted anything since Thanksgiving.


At 7:09 AM , Blogger Sam said...

Now that's interesting stuff right there. I'm so averse to needles, I don't think I'd be able to do it...even with the benefits explained to me. ha!


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